Field Kits Product Documents Core MPN Field Kit Aquagenx CBT EC+TC MPN test Hanna Fluoride HR Meter & Reagents Apera pH/Conductivity/TDS/Salinity meter and calibration standards LaMotte Insta-TEST® Nitrate & Nitrite Test Strips Core CFU Field Kit Aquagenx GEL EC CFU test Hanna Fluoride HR Meter & Reagents Apera pH/Conductivity/TDS/Salinity meter and calibration standards LaMotte Insta-TEST® Nitrate & Nitrite Test Strips Arsenic Test Pack Ascel Arsenic Test Kit Turbidity Test Pack Hanna Portable Turbidimeter Test Strip Pack LaMotte Insta-TEST® Free and Total Chlorine Test Strips LaMotte Insta-TEST® Copper and Iron Test Strip Kit LaMotte Lead Screening Test Kit LaMotte Insta-TEST® PRO Phosphate High Range Test Strips SenSafe® Manganese Precision Test Pack Hanna Iron Colormeter Hanna Nitrate Photometer eXact® LEADQuick® w/Bluetooth® Water Test Kit LaMotte DPD Free, Total & Combined Chlorine Test Kit