Culture Methods AMR Bacteria

Culture Methods are Essential for Detecting Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Water Culture-based water quality tests are definitive in detecting and quantifying fecal bacteria such E. coli and Enterococci. These culture methods are the “gold standard” and are...

International Lifeline Fund

International Lifeline Fund Uses CBT EC+TC MPN KitFor Borehole Assessments in Northern Ugandan Districts International Lifeline Fund sparks catalytic change across the developing world by implementing low-cost, replicable interventions that improve the quality of...

UNC Water & Health Conference 2023

Meet with Aquagenx at UNC Water & Health Conference Aquagenx staff members are attending the Water and Health Conference at UNC during 23-27 October, 2023 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Please reach out to us if you have water quality testing, technical, or...

New Testing Technologies

New Technologies for Microbiological Water Quality Testing New technologies are promising and important, but in the meantime, expand routine testing with proven products and technologies. In the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector, particularly...

Fiji Water & Sewerage

Fiji Government Department of Water and SewerageUses CBT EC+TC MPN Kit for Large Scale Survey The Department of Water and Sewerage is under the Ministry of Public Works, Meteorological Services and Transport of Fiji. They are responsible for the formulation of...

Water for Good

Water for Good Adopts GEL EC CFU Kit for E. coli Testing in Central African Republic Water for Good is a faith-based NGO dedicated to tackling water poverty in the Central African Republic. They develop long-term partnerships with communities to empower them with...