Aquagenx engaged a commercial laboratory to conduct a Stability Study to reevaluate the shelf life of our growth media in CBT EC+TC Kits and GEL EC CFU Kits. We are thrilled to report the Stability Study conclusively demonstrates the shelf life of both media is three years when stored properly (4-25 degrees Celsius in a dry environment). Read the Stability Study.

If you are currently in possession of CBT EC+TC Kits and GEL EC CFU Kits with a Lot Number up to 00059add one additional year of shelf life to the expiration date printed on the media packets.

For Lot Numbers after 00059, the three year shelf life will be included on the medium packets.

Components included CBT EC+TC MPN Kit for E. coli and Total Coliforms
Components included in GEL EC CFU Kit for E. coli